Our team members hold Diplomas in Civil Engineering and PhDs in Computational Mechanics with a strong focus on Boundary Element Methods and Finite Element Methods. Each of us has a long-standing experience in the development and design of simulation software. Our research results have been published in several journal articles, conference presentations and other media. The TAILSIT team contributed to several projects involving partners from industry.
Our team strongly contributed to the following projects:
2021 | L. Kielhorn, T. Rüberg and J. Zechner. Electromagnetic devices with moving parts - simulation with FEM/BEM coupling. Mathematics 2021, 9(15), 1804 | |
2018 | L. Kielhorn, T. Rüberg and J. Zechner. Robust FEM-BEM Coupling for LS-DYNA's EM module. 15th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, Detroit | |
2017 | L. Kielhorn, T. Rüberg and J. Zechner. Simulation of electrical machines: a FEM-BEM coupling scheme. COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering | |
2017 | L. Kielhorn, T. Rüberg and J. Zechner. Gekoppelte Elektromagnetische Feldsimulation mit FEM und BEM. NAFEMS Online Magazine | |
2017 | B. Marussig, J. Zechner, G. Beer and TP. Fries. Stable isogeometric analysis of trimmed geometries. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | |
2016 | T. Rüberg and José Manuel García Aznar. Numerical simulation of solid deformation driven by creeping flow using an immersed finite element method. Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences | |
2016 | K. Bandara, T. Rüberg and F. Cirak. Shape optimisation with multiresolution subdivision surfaces and immersed finite elements. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | |
2015 | B. Marussig, J. Zechner, G. Beer and TP. Fries. Fast isogeometric boundary element method based on independent field approximation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | |
2014 | T. Rüberg and F. Cirak. A fixed-grid b-spline finite element technique for fluid-structure interaction. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids | |
2012 | R. Hiptmair and L. Kielhorn. BETL - A Boundary Element Template Library. Technical Report 2012-36, Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Zurich | |
2012 | T. Rüberg and F. Cirak. Subdivision-stabilised immersed b-spline finite elements for moving boundary flows. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | |
2012 | J. Zechner and G. Beer. A Fast Elasto-plastic Formulation with Hierarchical Matrices and the Boundary Element Method. Computational Mechanics | |
2011 | T. Rüberg and F. Cirak. An immersed finite element method with integral equation correction. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering | |
2009 | L. Kielhorn. A Time-Domain Symmetric Galerkin Boundary Element Method for Viscoelastodynamics. Volume 5 of Computation in Engineering and Science. Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz | |
2008 | L. Kielhorn and M. Schanz. Convolution Quadrature Method based symmetric Galerkin Boundary Element Method for 3-d elastodynamics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering | |
2008 | T. Rüberg and M. Schanz. Coupling finite and boundary element methods for static and dynamic elastic problems with non-conforming interfaces. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | |
2008 | T. Rüberg. Non-conforming FEM/BEM Coupling in Time Domain. Volume 3 of Computation in Engineering and Science. Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz | |
2005 | M. Schanz, H. Antes, T. Rüberg. Convolution quadrature boundary element method for quasi-static visco- and poroelastic continua. Computers & Structures | |
2005 | J. M. García-Aznar, T. Rueberg, and M. Doblaré. A bone remodelling model coupling microdamage growth and repair by 3D BMU-activity. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology |